รายการแมวนอก - Tracklisting Friday 19 July 2019 : LUSS latest single!

รายการแมวนอก - Tracklisting Friday 19 July 2019 : LUSS latest single!
01. 不安  - Nobuko Sendo
02. Never Forget You- The Noisettes
03. Big (Baka)- New Fast Automatic Daffodils
04. Archie, Marry Me- Alvvays
05. Gotta Pull Myself Together- The Nolans
06. Divine Emotions [Shep Pettibone Remix]- Narada
07. Ride Or Die- LUSS
08. โต๊ะเดิม (Table For Two)- LUSS
09. Oh No, Oh Yes- Akina Nakamori
10. Stay With Me Now- Nami Shimada
11. Polish Girl- Neon Indian
12. 夜の旅行者- Naomi Miyanaga
13. Kino- Nena
14. Red Lipstick- NOMO
15. Spare Key- temp.
16. He Loves You- No Dice
17. Danger Lover- Nona Reeves
18. Mi Amore [Instrumental]- Naoya Matsuoka
19. Disco Sole- Nu Guinea
20. The Drifter- Roger Nichols & A Small Circle Of Friends
21. Across The Water- New World Music
22. New York Eyes- Nicole with Timmy Thomas
23. Sleeping Beauty- Night Things
24. こぬか雨 - Nobuyuki Shimizu
25. I Forgive You- Tommy Newport
26. 1992- NTsKI
27. Mind Fields- No Vacation
28. 思い出のロックンロール - Narumi Yasuda 
29. I Am The Black Gold Of The Sun- Nuyorican Soul
30. Again- Night People
31. Down In The Park- Gary Numan
32. Happy Sad- Maki Nomiya & Shaolin Brothers
33. To Infinity - Pyra
34. Mao Collar Boy- Kyono-Natsuko
35. Blue Sky- The Night Of Seokyo
36. Sikiyi Medley- Nana Tuffour
37. The Only Kind Of Girl- The New Jump Band
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