รายการแมวนอก - Tracklisting Friday 19 February 2021 : with Daisy Daisy

รายการแมวนอก - Tracklisting Friday 19 February 2021 : with Daisy Daisy
01. Wonderful Feeling - Marilyn
02. Going Out - Groovebox Story
03. Mr Paradise- Aurora
04. Revolutionize - Adrian Younge
05. Feel It - Kitty Winter Gipsy Nova
# Daisy Daisy in the studio
06. แฟนที่ไม่รู้ใจ (Don't Worry, Be My Boy)- Daisy Daisy
07. Aç Kapıyı Gir İçeri - Ozdemir Erdogan 
08. 恋のナイトライフ - Yoko Aso
09. Can We - Jim E. Stack
10. Nave Do Amor - Zuc-Zuc
11. Nightingale - Carole King
12. Come Back And Stay - Paul Young
13. Nobody Else- Robbie Dupree
14. Sunshine Kız - Piper
15. Late As Usual - The Love In
16. Everybody Dance - Harrison
17. Snow Violet Heaven - Victorian Tin
18. The Big Guns - Heatwave
19. Tweety - Raveena
20. Feel The Night - Sayaka Yamamoto featuring Kai Takahashi (Lucky Tapes)
21. Lisgor Sipor Yashan [Steam Ahead Mix]- Malka Spigel
22. Magic Touch - Frank Ryle featuring Laura Jackson
23. Russian Winter - Tamar Aphek 
24. Le Pays De Barbie - Marie-Noelle Neveu
25. Let Me Go, Love - Nicolette Larson 
26. Someday - Takako Shirai
27. Get High - Chet Faker
28. I Only Want To Be With You - Splash
29. O Que E Que Houve - O Som Livre
30. 自由になりましょう - Yuuko Shibuya
31. Youmeveryone - iogi
32. Weekend - Class Action
33. Xuxuzinho - Rita Lee & Roberto De Carvalho
34. Can It Be Magic? - Nadja
35. I'll Be Waiting - John McLean
36. Third Time Lucky - Basia
37. A Little Bit Of Younger Thoughts - Shindigs
38. The Sun - Peggy Weston
39. Chime - Wyolica
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ทุกคืนวันศุกร์ เวลา 21:00 - 00:00 
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