รายการแมวนอก - Tracklisting Friday 1 October 2021

รายการแมวนอก - Tracklisting Friday 1 October 2021 :
01. You're Never There - Dazzle
02. Forget Him - Shirley Kwan 
03. さよならをおしえて - Jun Togawa
04. Time Machine - Methusalem
05. Stereotyping - Jam Today
06. Egyszer Minden Veget Er - Katona Klari
07. クワンド・クワンド・クワンド - Mistumasa Sato 
08. Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Chris Sedgwick
09. Furimuite - Keiko Ishida
10. Can This Be Real - The Natural Four 
11. Semete Konya Ha Osaka Ben - Hongyoja Mane
12. Try Me - Apples
13. Choose The Way - The Clamber
14. Solitudine Radiosa - Beatrice Urbinati
15. Run Away - Telesa 
16. Hideaway - Barbara Moore 
17. Our Lovely Days - Yumi Seino 
18. Shara - Hameed Al Shairi 
19. Sexy Lady - Placa Luminosa
20. Tameiki Hitotsu - South Wind Section 
21. Just A Game - Airplay 
22. For A Very Special Person - Forever Amber 
23. Fly By The Night - Satoru Gotoh with Tarantula 
24. Remember Me - Laura Mitchell
25. Shadowboxing - Never To Return 
26. The Thing I've Looked For - Catch
27. Virgin Road - Aurora ASounds 
28. The Paris Match - The Style Council 
29. Thinking Of You [Dreaming Of You Mix]- Maureen Walsh
30. Omote-Sando - The Airz
31. Kaes On Aeg - Velly Jonas 
32. Let It Go - Michael Gonzales 
33. Magic Carpet Ride - Miwako Ishikawa 
34. For Your Life - Paradox Turkey 
35. Escalator - Tahiti 80 
36. Wake Up! - Bomb & Dagger 
37. Hotel - Tamy
## แมวไทย ##
38. Robben - Fever
39. China Girl - Hero 
40. Mr Ministeck - Art Of Kissing 
41. Midnight Beach - New Sonic 
42. Goodbye Rock 'n' Roll  - The Micks
43. Love Me More - Pacino 

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