CatRadioactive 18.04.2020

CATRADIOACTIVE (18 April 2020)


1. Say Hi - Obsidian Oblivion
2. WILDIVE (Cologne, Germany ) - Dopamine
3. Acid Tongue - Candy
4. High Hi - Alligot
5. Jagguar - Jingle Jangle 
6. Love Fame Tragedy - Hardcore
7. Charmer - December
8. Twisted Wheel - Wrong Side of the Road
9. The Black Watch - Mind You Now
10. Split Moon - She Carries the Sun 
11. Criteria - Peace
12. Trace Mountains - Rock & Roll
13. Catholic Action - I'm No Artist
14. On-The-Go - High
15. True Body - Ariel
16. Yukla Down - Torture Me (With Your Kiss)
17. Deserta - Be So Blue 
18. Palm Ghosts - Wide Awake And Waiting 
19. Shimmerance - Falling Down
20. Peel Dream Magazine - Eyeballs
21. Peach Pit - You and Your Friends
22. Seazoo - Impossible Sound
23. Spectres - The Call
24. The Opposite - Newborn
25. Suffer Fools - When I Was a Monster
26. SPC ECO - Breathing
27. Lights That Change - Finding You
28. Secret Knives - Excess
29. Centrefold - Not Enough to Fall in Love (Too Much to Forget)
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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live steam via on Saturday night 22.00-00.00

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