CatRadioactive 09.05.2020



1. The Sweet Serenades - City Lights
2. Joywave - Funny Thing About Opinions
3. STRFKR - Budapest (teat. Shy Boys)
4. EoB - Shangri-La
5. TV Party - Stuff
6. Holy Esque - Ladybird Love 
7. Rocket Surgeon - Clarence, the Lake Monster 
8. Car Seat Headrest - Life Worth Missing
9. Spectres - Dreams
10. The Warlocks - Double Life
11. Spinning Coin - The Long Heights
12. Day Wave - Starting Again
13. Spector - When Did We Get So Normal
14. Stereo Honey - Wake Up 
15. Moses - Joy
16. Grouplove - The Great Unknown
17. The Voices - Tempt Your Eyes
18. SPC ECO - So Much Better
19. Shimmerance - Gone Everything
20. Postcards - Lights Out
21. Stellarscope - Shining Light
22. Methyl Ethel - What Memory Found
23. Lake - Resolution
24. Fugitive Dancer - Love Song For A Band 
25. Whyte Horses - Seabird
26. Cathedral Bells - Ethereal Shadow
27. White Denim - Queen of the Quarantine
28. Great News - Speak Your Mind
29. Pure X - Free My Heart
30. Purple Heart Parade - Starwheel
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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live steam via on Saturday night 22.00-00.00

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