CatRadioactive 24.10.2020

CATRADIOACTIVE (24 October 2020)


1. 93millionmilesfromthesun - How I Feel
2. Electric Lo Fi Seresta (Brazil) - A Light That Never Changes
3. Lavender Blush (SF) - I Tried Freedom (it Was Boring)
4. Shoe Shine Six - Lovelorn
5. FONTAINES D.C. - A Hero's Death
6. The Superweaks ( Philadelphia) - Ghost Step
7. The Wants - Container
8. The Magic Gang - What Have You Got To Lose
9. The Stroppies - Look Alive!
10. The Sudden - Just Like Flying
11. The Score - Fire
12. Dreams of Empire (Brighton duo) - Hidden Girl
13. Misty Coast - In a Million Years
14. Fialta - Omg
15. Hot Flash Heat Wave - Grudge
16. Heliocentric Overdrive - Heliocentric Overdrive - weightless
17. Soft Kill - Roses All Around (Released Nov, 2020)
18. Diving Bells - Always
19. Johnny Goth - Can't Get You Out Of My Head
20. Honorary Astronaut - Final Dream Machine
21. Yokohama, I've Missed You - Guestbook - 10 One Last Time
22. Lakes - Warning Signs
23. Draag (LA) - Around My Fear
24. Pia Fraus (Estonia) - The new water
25. The Infinite Daisy Chains - Moreno Beach Club
26. Submotile - Segregation
27. The Slow Painters - What I Miss the Most
28. Dayflower - Stuck to You
29. Young Man In A Hurry - A Natural Love
30. The Loft Club - Dreaming The Impossible
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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