CatRadioactive 14.11.2020

CATRADIOACTIVE (14 November 2020)


1. Once Grace Forever - I can't go back
2. Circus Trees - Confronting Time
3. Flowerbed (TX) - Everything ft. El Santo
4. Dream Suicides - Lost in This World
5. Corduroy (Sweden) - Blomster
6. The Cribs - Running Into You
7. Print(the)Seas - Famine (While You're Fed)
8. Soft Set - Ours for Us
9. Close Talker - Carefully in the Dark
10. Phantom Handshakes - Open Sore
11. Holy Motors - Endless Night
12. Swerve (LA) - Escape
13. Bully - Like Fire
14. DMA'S - Round & Around
15. Electric Lo Fi Seresta - A Lunar Love Station
16. Heavy Sigh - Feel Like It
17. Loomer - Road to Japan
18. FAKE EYES - It Will Appear As Such
19. Slow Planet (Toronto from Tonemirror)- The Dinosaur
20. The Wolfhounds - Like Driftwood
21. Beauty Pill (DC) - Instant Night
22. Fur Cone Children - Gekko-19 (feat. Krissy Vanderwoude)
23. Glycerin - Wish I Was You
24. Feldup - Century Long Fire
25. Peach Fur - Preloved
26. We Are Only Human Once (Delaware, OH duo) - Cigarette Daydreams
27. The Luxembourg Signal - Lost Hearts
28. ACTORS (Vancouver) - Love U More
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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