CatRadioactive 19.12.2020

CATRADIOACTIVE (19 December 2020)


1. PVA - Exhaust Surroundings
2. Epic45 - Buildings Aren't Haunted, People Are
3. 04. Do You Know
4. Sally Haze - Be Mine
5. Go Go Berlin - Welcome to the Hills
6. Tokyo Police Club - Rubber Bands
7. Floating Room (Portland) - Gun
8. The High Water Marks - The Trouble With Friends
9. Naked House - Soft Bokeh
10. Tired Lion - Actuality
11. Dispatch - May We All
12. Half Japanese - Crazy Hearts
13. Fog - Space Space Space Shuttle
14. Seasurfer - Zombies
15. Stacking Pennies - No Parties No Party
16. Severin Bells - Dream Waltz
17. The Slow Readres Club - Everything I Own
18. VAR - Where to Find You 
19. Uniforms - U Found Me
20. CLUSTERSUN ( Catania, Italy) - Desert Daze 
21. Lost Horizons - Every Beat That Passed
22. Orbit - See the Light
23. The Cribs - Christmas (All Year Long)
24. Egoism - Happy
25. Chemical Club - Not this time
26. I Am The Avalanche - The Morning
27. The Brummies - Call Me
28. The Moons - Here I Am
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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