CatRadioactive 23.01.2021

23 JANUARY 2021


1. PVA - Exhaust Surroundings (London)
2. Dar.Ra. (Irish) - Diamonds In The Shadows
3. Great News - Speak Your Mind
4. Haunted Mansions - The Slow Dark
5. Reptaliens - Do You Know (Portland)
6. Waveless - White Dove
7. Spectres - Fate
8. Weather Island - Investigations
9. The luxembourg Signal - Lost Hearts
10. Once Grace Forever (Tokyo) - Happiness
11. New Ghost - Your Reds
12. Holy Wave - Maybe Then I Can Cry
13. We Are Only Human Once (Delaware, OH duo) - Cigarette Daydreams
14. The Slow Readres Club - Everything 1 Own (Manchester)
15. Swerve (LA) - Escape
16. The Happy Fits - Hold Me Down
17. Dispatch - May We All
18. Pale Fire - All the World
19. Another Sky - Let Us Be Broken
20. Day Wave -Starting Again
21. Skuldpadda - Summer in the City
22. Suburban Living - No Roses
23. Become The Sky - See The Sun
24. Corduroy (Sweden) - Blomster
25. Wray - Jogging
26. Blush Response - Drive -Hearts Grow Dull v1
27. Hiki - The Snow Will Fall Again
28. Whimsical (Indiana - Krissy Vanderwoude) - Take All of Me
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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