CatRadioactive 05.06.2021

5 JUNE 2021


1. Museum of Love (From LCD Soundsystem, NY) - Cluttered World
2. Fixers (Oxford) - Swan
3. Tannhauser Orchestra (Belgium) - Late in the Game
4. Beachy Head - Warning Bell
5. Coral Grief (Seattle duo) - Out of the Way
6. 318 (Kyle Hill) - Shame Of It All
7. Tape Deck Mountain (Nashville) - Ceremony
8. The Pleasure Holes (Maryland) - Peach
9. New Madrid (Athens,GA) - Are You the Wind
10. Answers (Melbourne) - Fools In Despair
11. Imaginary Baseball League (Nashville) - Steeple To Steeple
12. LA - Where's The Fire
13. The Pale White (Newcastle) - Frank Sinatra
14. Soft Kill (Portland) - Looking At You
15. Submotile (Dublin) - Microdose
16. Blood Pick Me (Minato City, Japan) - Black Night Ride
17. CLUSTERSUN (Catania) - CloserDeeper
18. Baltimore at an Angle (Bournemouth) - Moving to Afrika
19. Nervous Dater (NY) - Turn Them Ourselves In The Grave
20. No Suits in Miami (Sweden) - Buffy
21. The Drums (Brooklyn) - I Can't Save Your Life
22. Superdrone (Southampton) - Blood Sun Sky
23. Nightjacket (LA) - Burn Through the Atmosphere
24. Last Days Of April (Sweden) - Even the Good Days Are Bad
25. Lights That Change (Wales) - Mountains in the Sky
26. Lunation Fall (Lyon) - Mydriasis
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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