CatRadioactive 26.06.2021

26 JUNE 2021


1. Manchester Orchestra (Atlanta, GA) - Never Ending 
2. Iceage (Copenhagen) - High & Hurt
3. The Flaming Sideburns (Helsinki) - Neverending
4. Desert Museum (TX) - July 4 
5. Your Gaze (Nashville) - Black Afternoon 
6. Lakes (Watford) - Pine Barrens (Roberto's 'Mix It With The Relish' Mix)
7. Maika Makovski (Spain) - Where Are You 
8.Groupie (Brooklyn) - Waiting
9. Pizzagirl (Liverpool) - Bullet Train
10. UV-TV (Queens) - Always Something
11. Wolf Alice (London) - Lipstick On The Glass
12. No Suits in Miami - Make You See
13. Nightjacket (LA) - Just a Little
14. Vacation Manor (VA duo) - Ending Credits
15. VALHALL (Sweden) - Eversleep
16. Penfriend (Bristol) - I Used to Know Everything
17. Trapper Schoepp (Milwaukee) - It Didn't Take
18. Inhaler - It Won't Always Be Like This
19. Answers (Melbourne) - Silver Lining
20. Gang of Youths (Sydney) - The Angel of 8th Ave
21. New Candys (Venice) - Q & K
22. SCHONWALD (Italy) - Inner Sin
23. New Canyons (Chicago) - Adult Education
24. Slowly (Toronto) - Long Way Down
25. ROAR (Phoenix,AZ) - Demon Ghost Cave
26. Deafheaven (SF) - Great Mass of Color
27. CHVRCHES Ft. Robert Smith - How Not To Drown
28. Blood Cultures (Brooklyn) - When The Night Calls
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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