6 November 2021
1. Journey to the unknown 
2. Bone Pixie (UK) Null & Void 
3. Pond - Toast 
4. Cannons Ruthless 
5. The Sweet Serenades (Stockholm) Go Go Go (Forever Young) 
6. Rocco Of The Snow (NY) To Eden 
7. The future is here 
8. Sam Fender Get You Down 
9. Hippo Campus (MN) - Boys 
10. Gustaf (Brooklyn) Liquid Frown 
11. Childcare (London) Karaoke Mantra 
12. Cassels Charlie Goes Skiing 
13. Journey to the unknown 
14. Mild Orange (NZ) The Time Of Our Lives 
15. Gates (NJ) Pretending 
16. APlace In the Sky (Sydney) The Cradle 
17. Deserta (Matthew Doty LA) Lost In The Weight 
18. The future is here 
19. The War On Drugs Change 
20. Wynona Bleach (Belfast) Aubergines 
21. Sarah And The Sundays (Austin) I'm So Bored 
22. The Lighthouse and the Whaler (Cleveland,OH) Where You Go 
23. Wilderado - Head Right 
24. Journey to the unknown 
25. Nation of Language (Brooklyn) -Across That Fine Line 
26. Film School (LA) Why 
27. Ducks Ltd. (Toronto) - Grand Final Day 
28. Children Collide (Melbourne) Funeral for a Ghost 
29. Pink Turns Blue (Berlin) I'll Never Give Up 
30. The future is here 
31. Black Marble (Brooklyn) Somewhere 
32. End of fun (Sweden) - Sleep 
33. Fotoform (Seattle) We Crystallize
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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