1. Journey to the unknown 
2. Magic Roundabout (Manchester) She's a Waterfall 
3. Fine Place (Brooklyn Duo) It's Your House 
4. Mad Honey (OK) - Blue & You 
5. Spector I'm Not Crying, You're Crying 
6. The Haunted Youth (Belgium) Gone 
7. The future is here 
8. Low Lying Sun Car Crash 
9. Rival Karma - Jesus Is from Chico 
10. PUP Kill Something (Official Audio) 
11. Fuzzy Sun Fake it 
12. Motorists (Toronto) - The Door 
13. Journey to the unknown 
14. Bone Pixie -AContradiction 
15. Child Of Night (Columbus, OH) Wounded Child 
16. Fir Cone Children Knees in the Sand (feat Krissy Vanderwoude) 
17. Fawns Of Love Thoughtless Rage 
18. The future is here 
19. Glare – Heavenly 
20. Resplandor (Antonio Zelada-ND) - Tristeza 
21. The Dream Is Dead (TX) Shadows Play 
22. Grazer (Melbourne) Hyper-normal 
23. Beach House Over and Over 
24. Journey to the unknown 
25. Emergency Staircase (Palm Beach, FL) Dogteeth 
26. Cathedral Bells (FL)- Don't Care Anymore 
27. Palace Winter- Slasher 
28. KID DAD - Boat 
29. Weakened Friends (Maine) Tunnels 
30. The future is here 
31. Princess Goes to The Butterfly Museum Too Cool to Care 
32. HOO - You Changed The Way You Smile 
33. SEASURFER - Drifting 
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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live steam via on Saturday night 22.00-00.00

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