1. Journey to the unknown 
2. Lovejoy - You'll Understand When You're Older 
3. Alta Falls - Sun in My Eyes 
4. AMFM - Hunny Bunny 
5. 8BIT WIZRD - Blue (Yeah) 
6. Hot Flash Heat Wave - Where I'm  
7. The future is here 
8. LEAP - Energies 
9. Blue October - The Girl Who Stole My Heart 
10. Home Front - Kill The Time 
11. Honest Men -A Spectrum 
12. Maddie Moon - My Boy 
13. The Sweet Serenades Go Go Go (Forever Young) 
14. Journey to the unknown 
15. Dull Mourning- Demigod
16. The Arrival Note - Floor 
17. Greybloom - Monolith 
18. Yard Act (Leeds) - The Overload 
19. Pavement - "Be The Hook 
20. The future is here 
21. PUP (Toronto) - Robot Writes ALove Song 
22. Beach House - Only You Know 
23. Andy Bell - Something Like Love 
24. Seasoning (Australia) - Friends 
25. Spinn - Outside of the Blue 
26. Weird Milk - Vienna 
27. Journey to the unknown 
28. Montear (Australia) - From The Sky We Fell 
29. The Slow Show - Blinking 
30. Sports (OK) - Damn I'm Tired 
31. Archive -Fear There & Everywhere 
32. Cavemanband-Don't Call Me 
33. The future is here 
34. Blush- Best Friend 
35. Young Prisms (SF) - Honeydew 
36. Best Coast- Sweetness 
37. Mating Ritual -I Don't Like Anybody but Me
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
ดีเจ วาสนา วีระชาติพลี [Wasana Wirachartplee]
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