1. Journey to the unknown
2. Methyl Ethel - Matters (Whites quare Remix)
3. Florence + The Machine - Landscape
4. Caroline Kingsbury - Strawberry Sheets
5. No Frills - I Don't Wanna Be Your Dog Anymore
6. Carver Commodore - Fantasy (feat Abby Holliday)
7. The future is here
8. Psychedelic Porn Crumpets (Australia) - Bubblegum Infinity
9. Shambolics - Dreams, Schemes & Young Teams
10. Ultra Q - Pupkin
11. Sunflower Tape Machine - Internet Friends
12. Owel - We All Get Lost
13. Fever Fever - Lost and Found
14. Journey to the unknown
15. SAINT PHNX - Happy Place
16. River - Dance In The Darkness
17. Lake House - Far Away
18. Bear's Den (UK) - Spiders
19. Palace - Give Me The Rain
20. The future is here
21. The Backlash (Milan) - Rise
22. Money - Down4ever
23. Public Body - Reset My Password
24. Smile Machine - Pretty Today
25. Blood Knows (Perth) - Happy to Be Wrong
26. DAODA (Phila)- Eternal
27. Journey to the unknown
28. Softcult - Gaslight
29. Basement Revolver - Circles
30. Boy With Apple (Sweden) - Strawberry Boy
31. Reptaliens - Take It
32. Sea Girls - Sleeping With You
33. Posture And The Grizly - Create Me
34. The future is here
35. Deserta - I'm So Tired
36. Loose Buttons - Window Seat (Freak You Out)
37.Glitter Assassin - Burning Next to Mine
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
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