1. Journey to the unknown
2. Pet Needs - Toothpaste
3. Turnstile - Underwater Boi
4. Eades - Parachute Games
5. Money - Slower Hell
6. Loose Buttons - Yesterday & '93
7. The future is here
8. The Wes - Who's Gonna Hold You Tonight
9. Babehoven - Get Better
10. NewDad - Spring
11. Owel - Time Will Make Children Of Us AIl
12. TAPE TOY - Honey, WTF
13. Spoon - The Devil & Mister Jones
14. Journey to the unknown
15. Spector - Norwegian Air
16. Crystal Meadows - Sophia
17. Placebo - The Prodigal
18. Clap your Hands Say Yeah  - Went Looking for Trouble
19. The future is here
20. Lovejoy - It's All Futile! It's All Pointless!
21. Foreign Air - Why Don't You Feel the Way I Do
22. Flu Flu - The Tourist
23. Persica 3 - Water Lily
24. Cathedral Bells (FL) - Fall Into Place
25. Journey to the unknown
26. Graywave - Swallow
27. Smile Machine - Snail S (h) ell
28. No Monster Club - Case by Case Basis
29. The Wave Pictures - Douglas
30. Night Shop - At The Opera
31. The future is here
32. SOM - Son of Winter
33. From Drexel - Hope you're well
34. The Lions Constellation - Hell in Heaven
35. Dead Lovers' Lane - Crimson Flow
36. Blushing - The Fires
37. The Ocean Boy - Regret
SATURDAY 22:00 - 24:00
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